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Using the Sew Cat Embroidery Organizing Software

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

Here’s our video about SewCat software. This software can help you organize your embroidery files. It doesn’t do anything else. It’s not very expensive for what it does.

Honestly, it needs a serious facelift (it appears to be well over 10 years old…maybe close to 20?) There are a few nice features it could add too…such as remembering my main embroidery folder on the left side? And how about some nicer JPEG display (this may go hand in hand with the serious facelift…). However, we still believe the benefits outweigh the ugly.

What Other Options Exist for Organizing Embroidery Files?

  1. Buzz Tools’ Buzz Explore – while it did a few more things than SewCat, it didn’t have the features and needed a serious facelift too. It costs more and for that kind of money, we’d expect something a bit more modern and to include the SewCat organization and searching features.

  2. Hatch – Wilcom’s Hatch software is really a digitizing software but it comes with an organizing function. This function isn’t perfect, but at least it’s modern. I think the categorization of SewCat is much better, but modern is a huge plus too.

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